Contemporary Gallery

Inspiration (40 x 40 cm)

Inspiration (40 x 40 cm)


Harmony (pair)

Nature in Harmony (pair)

Alpine Bark Study 1 (42 x 62 cm)

Alpine Bark Study 1 (42 x 62 cm)


Blue Beyond

Alpine Bark Study 2 (22 x 25 cm)

Alpine Bark Study 2 (22 x 25 cm)

Knot painting!

The Knot Painting. (40 x 40 cm)


Gum Study (22 x 42 cm)

The Glorious Alpine Gum. (26cm x 36 cm without frame)

The Glorious Alpine Gum. (26 x 36 cm )

Artshow 2

Bleeding Gum (14 x 32 cm)

IMG_2904 -1

Colour Spectrum (80 x 80 cm)

Wayn's red painting1111111

Elegance (42 x 62 cm)

Vision (25 x 22 cm)



Red Alpine Strips

Alpine Stripes – Red

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